ÌMathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2015. – 58, No. 4




2015, 58, No. 4

text (00)


Antonova T. M., Sus’ O. M. Sufficient con­di­ti­ons for equi­va­lent con­ver­gen­ce of se­qu­en­ce of dif­fe­rent ap­pro­xi­mants for two-di­men­sio­nal con­ti­nu­ed frac­ti­ons

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (01a)


Shavarovskii B. Z. The semiscalar equi­va­len­ce and qua­si-di­ago­nal si­mi­la­ri­ty of mat­ri­ces

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (02a)


Pyrch N. M. On generalized retracts and iso­mor­phic clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of free ob­jects. I²

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (03a)


Sukhorolsky M. A. Solutions of boun­d­ary va­lue prob­lems for Helm­holtz equa­ti­on in simp­ly con­nec­ted do­ma­ins of comp­lex pla­ne

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (04a)


Lila D. M., Martynyuk A. A. Eccentric form of sta­bi­li­ty loss of a ro­ta­ting elas­to­plas­tic ra­di­al­ly in­ho­mo­ge­ne­ous step­ped cir­cu­lar disc

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (05a)


Obodan N. I., Gromov V. A. Nonlinear de­for­ma­ti­on and bran­ching of so­lu­ti­ons of boun­da­ry va­lue prob­lem of the theo­ry of shells with the de­la­mi­na­ti­on un­der ex­ter­nal pres­su­re

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (06a)


Grigorenko Ya. M., Rozhok L. S. Analysis of the stress sta­te of hol­low cy­lin­ders with con­ca­ve cor­ru­ga­ted cross sec­ti­on

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (07a)


Kit H. S., Andriychuk R. M. Influence of sta­tio­na­ry he­at sour­ce on stress sta­te of half-spa­ce with hard­ly, smooth­ly or fle­xi­bly clam­ped boun­da­ry

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (08a)


Vaysfel’d N. D., Zhuravlova Z. Yu. The plane mi­xed ther­mo­elas­ti­ci­ty prob­lem for the se­mi-strip

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (09a)


Makhorkin I. M., Mastykash L. V. On one ana­ly­ti­cal-nu­me­ri­cal me­thod of so­lu­ti­on for the one-di­men­sio­nal qua­si-sta­tic ther­mo­elas­ti­ci­ty prob­lem for ther­mo­sen­si­ti­ve bo­dy of simp­le geo­met­ry

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (10a)


Tokova L. P., Yasinskii A. V. An approximate so­lu­tio­n to the one-di­men­sio­nal prob­lem of elas­ti­ci­ty for a non-ho­mo­ge­neo­us so­lid cy­lin­der

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (11a)


Shvaiko M. Yu. Plastic deformation of ma­te­ri­als un­der loa­ding along pie­ce­wi­se smooth tra­jec­to­ri­es with areas of un­loa­ding by elas­tic law

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (12a)


Opanasovych V. K., Slobodyan M. S. Biaxial ben­ding iso­tro­pic pla­te with a through-thick­ness rec­ti­li­ne­ar crack with ac­coun­ting the width of a con­tact zo­ne of its fa­ces and in the pre­sen­ce of plas­tic zo­nes near its tips

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (13a)


Sachuk Yu. V., Maksymuk Î. V. Contact prob­lem on wear by pun­ches of ca­no­ni­cal sha­pe of elas­tic half-pla­ne with the Win­kler’s coa­ti­ng

2015, 58, No. 4

abstract (14a)


ALPHABETICAL IN­DEX for 2015 (vol. 58)

2015, 58, No. 4

text (15)
