Shchedryk Volodymyr Pantelejmonovych


Education: Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University (specialty - mathematics and physics, 1980), PhD and doctoral Pidstryhach IAPMM NAS of Ukraine.


Scientific degree: Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics (01.01.06 algebra and number theory) (doctoral thesis "Factorization and unilateral equivalence of matrices over commutative elementary divisor domain", 2012).


Scientific title: Senior Research Fellow (since 2014).


Position: Leading Research Fellow (since 2013).


In Institute: from 1981.


Research interests: linear algebra; matrix theory; matrix equation; rings theory.


Main scientific results:


1.     The matrix factorization theory over commutative elementary divisor domains  is constructed.

2.     We constructed the canonical form of matrix with respect  to unilateral  transformations from complete linear group of matrices  with a standard F-skeleton.

3.     It is proved that the ring second order matrices over commutative Bezout domain R has stable rank of 1.5 if and only if R has a similar stable rank.


  1. Shchedryk V. Arithmetic of matrices over rings – Kyiv, Akademperiodyka, 2021. − 278 p. − pdf.
  2. Shchedryk V.P. Factorization of matrices over elementary divisor rings. – Lviv: Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, 2017. – 304 p. (in Ukrainian) pdf. (in Russian) pdf.

Major publications:

  1. Bovdi V., Shchedryk V. Generating solutions of a linear equation and structure of elements of the Zelisko group II // Quaestiones Mathematicae. – 2022. – 10 pages. –
  2. Romaniv A. M., Shchedryk V. P. Adequate properties of matrix divisors // Mathmethods and phys.-mech.  fields  – 2021. – 64. – No. 2. – Ń. 451.
  3. Bovdi V.A., Shchedryk V.P. Generating solutions of a linear equation and structure of elements of the Zelisko group // Linear Algebra Appl. − 2021. − Volume 625. − P. 55−67.
  4. Shchedryk V. The left greatest common divisor and the left least common multiple for all solutions of the matrix equation BX = A over a commutative domain of elementary divisors // Ukr. Math. J. − 2021. − 73. − P. 303–310. −
  5. Shchedryk V. A greatest common divisor and a least common multiple of solutions of a linear matrix equation
  6. Bovdi V.A., Shchedryk V.P. Commutative Bezout domains of stable range 1.5 // Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2019, Volume 568, P. 127-134.
  7. Shchedryk V. On great common divisors and least common multiple of matrix equation solutions // XII International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 215th anniversary of V. Bunyakovsky, July 2-6, 2019,Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Abstracts. – Vinnytsia:Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk University, 2019. – 142 p. – P. 102.
  8. A. M. Romaniv, V. P. Shchedryk On stable rank of rings of matrices over commutative principal ideal domains // International Conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics” dedicated to the 90-th birth anniversary of YA. S. Pidstryhach and 40- anniversary of the Institute for APMM NAS of Ukraine – L’viv, Ukraine May 22–25, 2018. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: ( – P. 231.
  9. Shchedryk V.P. Bezout ring of stable range 1.5 and decomposition of complete linear group into product its subgroups // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. – 2017. – 69, ¹ 1. – P. 113 – 120 (in Ukrainian).
  10. Shchedryk V.P. The value of matrix on a system of roots of  diagonal elements of matrix and its properties // Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics – 2015. – 13. – ń. 187–194 (in Ukrainian).
  11. Shchedryk V.P. Bezout rings of stable range 1.5 // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. – 2015. – 67, ¹ 6. – P. 960-974.
  12. Romaniv Ą.Ģ., Shchedryk V.P. Greatest common divisor of matrices one of which is a disappear matrix. // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. – 2014. – 66, ¹ 3. – Ń. 479 – 485.
  13. Romaniv Ą.Ģ., Shchedryk V.P. Least common right multiple of the matrices with one invariant factor different from the identity. // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2015. – 208. ¹ 3 – P. 344-354.
  14. Romaniv Ą.Ģ., Shchedryk V.P. Greatest common left divisor and least common right multiple of second order matrices  // Mathematical Journal NTSh. – 9. – 2012. – P. 269–284 (in Ukrainian).
  15. Shchedryk V.P. Commutative domains of elementary divisors and some properties of their elements // Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. 2012. – 64, ¹1. – P. 126–139.
  16. Shchedryk V.  On the one-side equivalence  of matrices with given canonical diagonal form // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. – 2011. – 12, ¹2. – Ń. 102–111.
  17. Shchedryk V.P. On the Interdependence between Invariant Multipliers of a Block-Triangular Matrix and Its Diagonal Blocks // Mathematical Notes. – 2011. –  90,  ¹4. – Ń. 584 – 596.
  18. Shchedryk V. Matrices divisors generated by transformable matrices // Int. Alg. Conf. dedicated to A.V. Yakovlev. 2010. – S. Peterburg. – Jun 19-24, 2010. Abstracts. S. Peterburg. – P.153-154.
  19. Shchedryk V.P. On invariant factors of block-triangular matrices and their diagonal blocks // Dopovidi NAS of Ukraine. – 2010, ¹ 6. – ń. 34-36 (in Ukrainian).
  20. Shchedryk V. Factorization of matrices over elementary divisor domain // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. – 2009. – ¹2. – P. 79–99.
  21. Shchedryk V.P. Some invariants of transforming matrices // Mathematical studies– 2008. – 29. – P. 121-126 (in Ukrainian).
  22. Shchedryk V.P. Some determinant properties of primitive matrices over Bezout B-domain // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics. – 2005. – ¹2. –P. 46–57.
  23. Shchedryk V. On decomposition of complete linear group into product of some its subgroups // Visnyk Lviv. Univ., Ser. Mech.-Math. – 2003. – 61. – P. 184–190.
  24. Shchedryk V.P. One class of divisors of matrices over commutative elementary divisor domain // Mathematical studies. – 2002. – 17, ¹1. – P. 23–28 (in Ukrainian).
  25. Shchedryk V.P. Non associated matrix with standard Ō-skeleton // Math. Method. i Fiz. Mekh. Polia. – 2002. – 45, ¹3. – P. 32–44 (in Ukrainian).
  26. Shchedryk V.P. Ō-skeleton of matrices and its properties // Math. Method. i Fiz. Mekh. Polia, -2000. - 43, ¹ 2. – P. 45-51 (in Ukrainian).
  27. Shchedryk V.P. On transforming matrices over some Bezout domains // Math. Method. i Fiz. Mekh. Polia – 2000. – 43, ¹ 1. – Ń. 36–44 (in Ukrainian).
  28. Shchedryk V.P. Structure and properties of matrices divisors over commutative elementary divisor domains // Mathematical studies. – 1998. – 10. –¹2. – Ń. 115–120 (in Ukrainian).

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