Mathematical methods and physico-mechanical fields. – 2014. – 57, No. 3




2014, 57, No. 3

text (00)


Gutik O. V., Pozdniakova I. V. Congruences on the monoid of mo­no­to­ne injec­ti­ve par­ti­al self­maps of Ln x lexZ with co-fi­ni­te do­mains and ima­ges

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (01a)


Kuz A. M. Prob­lem with in­te­gral con­di­ti­ons with res­pect to ti­me for Shi­lov pa­ra­bo­lic sys­tems of equa­ti­ons

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (02a)


Il’kiv V. S., Nytrebych Z. M. The es­ti­ma­te of a mea­su­re of the le­vel set for so­lu­ti­ons of dif­fe­ren­ti­al equa­ti­ons with con­stant coef­fi­ci­ents

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (03a)


Baranetsky Ya. O., Basha A. A. Non­lo­cal mul­ti­po­int prob­lem for dif­fe­ren­ti­al ope­ra­tor equa­ti­ons of 2nth order

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (04a)


Bak S. M. Exi­sten­ce of he­te­ro­cli­nic tra­vel­ling wa­ves in a sys­tem of non­li­near os­cil­la­tors on two di­men­si­onal lat­ti­ce

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (05a)


Kirichok I. F., Senchenkov I. K. Axisymmetric re­so­nant vib­ra­ti­ons and vib­ro­hea­ting-up of thermo­vi­sco­elas­tic cy­lind­ri­cal shell with piezo­elec­tric sen­sors and ac­tu­ators

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (06a)


Kaloerov S. A., Samodurov A. À. Electro-vis­coelas­ti­ci­ty prob­lem for mul­ti-con­nec­ted pla­tes

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (07a)


Chernobryvko M. V., Avramov K. V. Natural vib­ra­ti­ons of pa­ra­bo­lic shells

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (08a)


Pasternak Ia. M., Sulym H. T., Piskozub L. H. Integral equa­ti­ons of pla­ne mag­ne­to­elec­tro­elas­ti­ci­ty for a bi­ma­te­ri­al with cracks and thin in­clu­si­ons

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (09a)


Kryven’ V. A., Boiko A. R., Kaplun A. V. Plastic ex­fo­lia­tion of squa­re-sha­ped fi­ber un­der shear lo­ad in the pre­sen­ce of in­ter­fa­ci­al cracks

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (10a)


Maksymovych V. M., Prykhod’ko O. S., Solyar T. Ya. De­ter­mi­na­ti­on of stres­ses near elas­tic in­clu­si­ons in pla­tes of comp­lex sha­pe

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (11a)


Styahar A. Î., Sàvulà Ya. H., Dyyak I. I. Numerical ana­ly­sis of the stress-strain sta­te for the bo­dy with thin in­clu­si­on using do­main de­com­po­si­ti­on me­thod

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (12a)


Nikolaev O. G., Tanchik E. A. Stresses in an in­fi­ni­te cir­cu­lar cy­lin­der with four cy­lin­dri­cal ca­vi­ties

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (13a)


Chernukha O. Yu., Goncharuk V. Ye., Davydok A. Ye. Ma­the­ma­ti­cal mo­de­ling the pro­ces­ses of ther­mo­dif­fu­si­on of de­caying sub­stan­ce in a sto­chas­ti­cal­ly in­ho­mo­ge­ne­ous stra­ti­fi­ed strip

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (14a)


Buryk O. O., Drobenko B. D. Stress-stain sta­te of ele­ments of buil­ding struc­tu­res du­ring the fi­re

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (15a)


Vahin P. P., Malets R. B., Shynkarenko H. A. Variational for­mu­la­ti­on of non­sta­tio­na­ry prob­lem of ther­mo­elas­ti­ci­ty for thin shells comp­li­ant to she­ars and com­pres­sion

2014, 57, No. 3

abstract (16a)
