Ladzoryshyn Natalaja Bohdanivna

Education: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (specialtymathematics, 2006.)

Scientific degree: Ph.D. Degree (01.01.06 algebra and number theory, 2019) ( thesis: "Equivalence of matrices over quadratic rings and matrix equations")

Position: Research Fellow (2019)

In Institute: from 2006

Research interests: algebra and number theory

Major publications:

  1. The number of standard forms of matrices over imaginary Euclidean quadratic rings with respect to the (z,k)-equivalence (with Petrychkovych V.M.) // Mat. Stud. – 2022. – 57, No. 2. – P. 115121.
  2. On standard forms of pairs of matrices over the ring of gaussian integers with respect to (z,k)-equivalence (with Petrychkovych V.M.) // Mat. Metody Fiz.-Mekh. Polya. 2021. 64, ¹ 4. P. 1824. (in Ukrainian).
  3. Standard form of matrices over quadratic rings with respect to the (z,k)-equivalence and the structure of solutions of bilateral matrix linear equations (with Petrychkovych V.M.) // J. Math. Sci. 2021.  ¹ 253, (1). P. 5462.
  4. The standard form of matrices over the ring of gaussian integers with respect to (z,k)-equivalence (with Petrychkovych V.M. and Zelisko H. V.) // Appl. probl. mech. and math. 2020 –¹18. P.5 10.
  5. Matrix Diophantine equations over quadratic rings and their solutions (with Petrychkovych V.M. and Zelisko H. V.) // Carpathian Math. Publ. − 2020. −12, ¹2. – Ð. 368–375.
  6. Matrix linear unilateral and bilateral equations over quadratic rings (with Petrychkovych V.M.) // Visnyk of the Lviv Univ. Series Mech. Math. 2018. ¹  85. P. 3240. (in Ukrainian).
  7. The integer solutions of matrix linear unilateral and bilateral equations over quadratic rings // J. Math. Sci. 2017.  ¹ 223, (1). P. 5059.
  8. Equivalence of pairs of matrices with relatively prime determinants over quadratic rings of principal ideals (with Petrychkovych V.M.) //  Bul. Acad. de  Ştiinţe Repub.  Mold Mat. 2014.  ¹ 3, (76) P. 38–48.
  9. On equivalence of pairs of matrices, which determinants are primes powers, over quadratic Euclidean rings // Carpathian Math. Publications. – 2013. ­ ¹  5, (1). P. 63–69. (in Ukrainian).
  10. On equivalence of matrices over quadratic Euclidean rings (with Petrychkovych V.M., Zelisko V.R.) // Appl. probl. mech. and math.. 2006. ¹ 4. P. 16–21. (in Ukrainian).

List of Conference Proceedings:

  1. Ladzoryshyn N. On the number of standard pairs of pairs of matrices over the ring of Gaussian integers with respect to (z,k)-equivalence // Conference of young ScientistsPidstryhach reading – 2022”. – L’viv, Ukraine May 25–27, 2022, L’viv. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  2. Natalija Ladzoryshyn, Vasyl' Petrychkovych. On the number of standard forms of matrices over imaginary Euclidean quadratic rings with respect to the (z,k)-equivalence // The 13th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, July 69, 2021, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. – Book of Abstracts. – P. 45.
  3. Ladzoryshyn N., Petrychkovych V. The standard form of matrices over imaginary Euclidean quadratic rings with respect to (z,k)-equivalence // XI International Skorobohatko Mathematical Conference. October 26−30, 2020, Lviv, Ukraine. Abstracts: Lviv: Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2020. – 130 p. – – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – P. 59.
  4. Ladzoryshyn N. (z,k)-equivalence of matrices over the ring of Gaussian integers // Conference of young ScientistsPidstryhach reading – 2020”. – L’viv, Ukraine May 26–28, 2020, L’viv. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
  5. Ladzoryshyn N., Petrychkovych V. (z,k)-equivalence of matrices over Euclidean quadratic rings and solutions of matrix equation AX+YB=C // Book of abstracts of the XII International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 215th anniversary of  V. Bunyakovsky, July 0206, 2019, Vinnytsia, 2019. – P. 63–64.
  6. Ladzoryshyn N. Solutions of the matrix equation AX+BY=C over Euclidean quadratic rings // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading – 2019. Lviv, Ukraine, May 2729, 2019, Lviv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: ( ).
  7. Ladzoryshyn N. The solvability of Diophantine equations over quadratic rings // Modern problems of Mechanics and Mathematics: collection of scientific papers in 3 vol. / Edited by A.Ì. Samoilenko, R.M. Kushnir [Electronic resource] // Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics NAS of Ukraine. – 2018. – Vol. 3. – Access mode: ( P. 217–218.
  8. Ladzoryshyn N.B. The matrix linear unilateral equations over quadratic rings // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading2015. L’viv, Ukraine, May 2628, 2015, L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode (
  9. Ladzoryshyn N., Petrychkovych V. On solutions of the matrix linear equations AX+YB=C over quadratic rings // Book of abstracts of the X International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Yu. A. Drozd, August 20 – 27, 2015, Odessa. – Abstract. – Odessa: TES, 2015. – P. 61.
  10. Ladzoryshyn N.B. Integer solutions of matrix Diophantine equation over quadratic rings // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach reading2014. L’viv, Ukraine, May 2830, 2014, L’viv. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode (
  11.  Ladzoryshyn N.B. The integral solutions of bilateral linear matrix equations over quadratic rings //  International Algebraic Conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of L.A. Kaluzhnin. Book of Abstracts.    Jule 7–12, 2014. Kyiv.   P. 52.
  12. Ladzoryshyn N. The matrix linear bilateral equations over quadratic rings  // International ConferenceModern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics”. Lviv, Ukraine May 21–25, 2013, Lviv. Abstract. – L’viv: YA. S. Pidstryhach Institute for APMM NAS of Ukraine. – P. 187–189.
  13. Ladzoryshyn N., Petrychkovych V. Equivalence of pairs of matrices with relatively prime determinants over quadratic principal ideal rings // 9-th International algebraic conference in Ukraine, L'viv, July 813, 2013: Book of abstracts. – L'viv, 2013. – P. 109.
  14. Ladzoryshyn N.B. On equivalence of certain pairs of matrices over quadratic Euclidean rings // XIII inter­natio­nal Scientific Kravchuk mathematical conference. – Kyiv, Ukraine , May 13–15, 2010: Conference materials. V.2 – K. NTUU – 320 p. – P. 166.
  15. Ladzoryshyn N.B. On equivalence of pairs of matrices over quadratic Euclidean rings // Conference of young Scientists Pidstryhach with Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics. – Lviv, Ukraine, May 25–27, 2009. – P. 176–177.
  16. Volodymyr Zelisko, Natalija Ladzoryshyn, On equivalence and factorization of matrices over quadratic rings // 6th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine.Lviv, Ukraine, July 1–7, 2007. – P.231–232.

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