Roman Matsyuk

Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Department of Differential Equations and Function Theory

Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Education and professional activities

MSc. Thesis, L’viv State University, L’viv, 1971: Деякі узагальнення ідей спеціальної теорії відносності на базі n-точкової геометрії.
[Some generalizations of the concepts of special theory of relativity on the basis of n-point geometry] — 35 pp. (in Ukrainian).

PhD degree: 1985.

PhD Thesis: Пуанкаре-инвариантные уравнения движения в лагранжевой механике с высшими производными.
[Poincaré-invariant equations of motion in Lagrangian mechanics with higher derivatives] — 141 pp. (in Russian),
Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics, L’viv, 1984

Major research interests:

List of publications

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